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What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K® is a scientifically proven and powerful process

for accessing the subconscious mind, discovering which

self-limiting beliefs it holds and replacing them with new self-supporting and

life-enhancing ones.Our reality is created by our beliefs. Held in the subconscious mind,

these beliefs are often the result of lifelong

programming and powerfully influence human behavior.


Through our beliefs we form perceptions about the world and

ourselves, behaving in specific ways and creating our own reality from the programming we’ve received early on. Quite often, the beliefs we’ve downloaded  in our subconscious mind are negative ones, whether in the areas of self-worth, financial abundance, relationships, health or spirituality. Studies in neuroscience have proven that 97% of all human behavior originates from the subconscious mind. Therefore, the only way to change our behavior and thus our lives is by accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming it.


Whether we use PSYCH-K® to manifest certain material goals, to better our health, our relationships or address any un-ease or dis-ease in our being, we soon realize that

PSYCH-K® is a tool of spiritual evolution, of self realization and self-actualization.

Being on a spiritual journey, challenges present immense opportunities for growth and

PSYCH-K® facilitates the process with ease, speed and grace.

Stripping away the conditioning reveals our true essence,

that of our higher self, untainted and free to shine

and create on this earthly plane.

PSYCH-K® is a vehicle for powerful change  and you are in the driver’s seat.

PSYCH-K® doesn’t choose  what you should believe.

It helps you believe what you choose.”


-Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K®

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The Psych-K® Process:

The process of rewriting a negative programming oftentimes involves the

release of the trauma that originated the negative belief, and the download of a

positive and supporting belief. A new neuronal pathway (or potential) is created

and becomes deeper as we take actions that are congruent with it. Very quickly this

new way of responding becomes our default mechanism, an empowering self-

programming that allows us to create effortlessly and to respond rather than react

to stressors. Becoming adept at adapting to life’s ever changing nature, we develop

the resilience paramount in transcending any given circumstance and embrace

life’s growth centric experience.




PSYCH-K® relies on the inner wisdom and ability within the individual,

oftentimes unknown to him or herself.

  The person seeking change holds the answers in their subconscious mind

where all past experiences are stored. The PSYCH-K® processes promote a state of

Hemispheric Integration, a special state of consciousness that activates both

hemispheres of the brain simultaneously and, consequently, facilitates the opening

of a channel with one’s inner spiritual guide or higher consciousness. The

facilitator holds the sacred space where the wisdom of the partner is revealed and

true healing occurs.

The Healer is Within

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Permission Protocols:

Problems, challenges and health issues oftentimes have messages in them. Clearing certain issues without understanding the life lesson they’re teaching or suppressing symptoms without considering the secondary gains they provide is akin to killing the messenger without getting the message. It can be dangerous as the mind will manifest another symptom, usually more severe to keep the benefits the illness provides in a person’s life.     

PSYCH-K®allows us to get the lesson before releasing the symptom. Before making any changes, permission is requested from both the subconscious and superconscious minds to assure the safety and appropriateness of proceeding with the belief change process.

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© 2023 Copyright by Dr. Chorig Khatchadourian

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